An attempt to pierce the echo chamber of church leadership and the ivory tower of theologians by providing a view from an ordinary pew-sitter. Starting with some articles on church leadership by Glenn Packiam and Ike Miller, and a post by Tim Keller on megachurches.

PSA – Following Jesus Doesn’t Require Special Powers
Those whom the world considers “ordinary,” Jesus invites to witness miracles. A reflection for Easter.

Precision of Language – Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Forgiveness and reconciliation are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing, especially in the context of a body of believers.

Books of 2022 – Quarter One
Books I read in the first quarter of 2022, with some thoughts on each. Include scripture, fiction, non-fiction, children’s, and young adult literature.

Signs of a Healthy Church (updated 4/25/22)
Using the workplace as an analogy for what to seek in a healthy church environment.

Let’s Do Better, Church
Miscellaneous thoughts for how we as a church can do better when proclaiming the gospel message.

The Neglected VIP at Cana
This post aims to do a variety of things. First, to show the tension between precision in translations on the one hand and holding those same translations loosely on the other hand. Second, to reflect on the relationship between Jesus and his mother, Mary (the neglected VIP in this story). Third, to demonstrate when a regular habit of scripture reading led to fresh insights, even in an I-already-know-the-story moment.

Precision of Language – Definitions Matter
Why definitions of terms should matter to preachers/teachers, students/congregations, and elder boards, and the importance of spelling them out.

The Feedback My Pastor Labeled “Possibly Aggressive” (or How NOT to Respond to Solicited Feedback)
When our former church was looking to purchase a new building, they asked the congregation for feedback. I made the mistake of thinking they actually wanted it.

Echoes of the Gospel – Repentance and Regret
Reflections on regret and repentance, as prompted by an essay from Daniel H. Pink.

A Reaction to Kevin DeYoung’s “Better Discussion”
Some thoughtful critique (interspersed with the occasional sassiness) of a recent article by Kevin DeYoung regarding abuse in the church context.

Winsome Rebellion (or When Submission Becomes Unbiblical)
Exploring the limits of “biblical” submission.