Star Trek teaches the American evangelical church about the addictive nature of power.

Books of 2023 – Quarters One and Two
Books read in the first half of the year, including fiction, history, and self-help for young adults, among others.

Reason for Hope
Searching for healing in the midst of post traumatic church disorder.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Acts 29 Tree
The leaders of Origen Church kept the budget hidden until approaching financial insolvency forced their hands. What is Acts 29 trying to hide?

What do road rage, knowing one’s self, and Matilda the Musical have to do with one another? Not much, other than all giving me something to think about around the same time period.

When the Good Go Bad
A re-post from The Wartburg Watch, telling our story of how spiritual abuse crept in to a church we’d considered safe.

Is It Gossip? and Other Questions We Asked Before Going Public
Questions we asked ourselves before going public. Is it gossip? Have we forgiven? Are we following Matthew 18?

Books of 2022 – Quarters Three and Four
Books read in the third and fourth quarters of 2022, with some thoughts on each. Include an enslaved woman’s memoir and young adult fiction, among others.

Is It Any Wonder?
When mental illness is not illogical. Thoughts inspired by Disney’s Encanto.

Acts 29, Your System is Rotting
A pattern is being established within the Acts 29 model at both the denominational and local church levels. It is not a good one, but it is also not insurmountable.

Getting Comfortable with Ambiguity
Musings on the nature and purpose of ambiguity in theology.

Why Are We White-washing Slavery in the Bible? – Part 1
Examining the puzzling and problematic trend of painting slavery in the Bible as rosier than it actually was. In Part 1 of this two-part series, we look at the Scriptural and historical evidence.