Demonstration of how an elder manipulated documented facts to avoid accountability for his actions. And how an associate and senior pastor remained silent in the face of his lies.
Tag: Great Commission Collective

Our Resignation Letter to a Former Church…
Tracing unhealthy patterns in this local church and connecting the dots to unhealthy patterns documented at the organizations where leadership received training.

Introducing “View from the Pews” – Part 2
An attempt to pierce the echo chamber of church leadership and the ivory tower of theologians by providing a view from an ordinary pew-sitter. Wrapping up with an article on spiritual abuse by Mike Cosper and one on orthopathy by Tish Harrison Warren.

Introducing “View from the Pews” – Part 1
An attempt to pierce the echo chamber of church leadership and the ivory tower of theologians by providing a view from an ordinary pew-sitter. Starting with some articles on church leadership by Glenn Packiam and Ike Miller, and a post by Tim Keller on megachurches.

The Feedback My Pastor Labeled “Possibly Aggressive” (or How NOT to Respond to Solicited Feedback)
When our former church was looking to purchase a new building, they asked the congregation for feedback. I made the mistake of thinking they actually wanted it.

The Molehill that Became a Mountain
A detailed account of how a minor mistake on the part of the senior pastor was severely mishandled by leadership.

Prayer of Repentance
A prayer of repentance for the church.

A Letter to My Friends at Our Former Church
Describing why we left the toxic, spiritually abusive situation at a former Harvest Bible Chapel (Great Commission Collective) church, with references to our former Acts 29 church.